Data Protection Training and Consultancy

Tkm Consulting offers data protection training and consultancy services across the UK and has more than 20 years experience of working with information governance and data protection legislation.

We offer data protection qualifications that are approved and certified by the SQA and are approved by the BCS to deliver both foundation and practitioner level data protection certificates.  Tkm is also proud to be an approved training partner with the IRMS.

Tkm provides Data Protection Officer (DPO) as a service as well as advice and guidance on practical compliance.

Next Available Courses...

Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Freedom of Information
link to FYI website

Starting 2 Sep 24

Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments

18 Sep 24

BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection

25, 26 Sep & 2, 3 Oct 24

Tkm offers data protection consultancy

Data Protection Consultancy

We offer DPO as a service and also advice and guidance for those working with data protection.

We also offer data protection audits to help you understand your current levels of compliance and identify any gaps. More info…

Tkm Consulting

Data Protection Training

Here at Tkm we offer a range of data protection qualifications including courses certificated by the SQA and professional certificates offered by the BCS.

We offer other data protection training including risk and auditing, as well as customised and in- house training.  We also work with FYI to offer an extensive range of practical compliance training which you can find on our online storeMore info…


Customised & In-House Training

All of Tkm’s courses can be offered in-house and, working in collaboration with For Your Info, we offer a full suite of information governance training – all of which can be customised for your needs.  Please contact us to discuss your requirements.


Our Courses

BCS Data Protection Courses

BCS Practitioner and Foundation Certificates in Data Protection

Delivered on-line, in house and face to face

Tkm offers the BCS Practitioner and Foundation Certificates in Data Protection which are delivered on-line or in locations across the UK. 

We also have both of these courses available in our popular online on demand (self-study, e-learning option) and can provide both of these courses in-house, either on line or face to face.

Tkm data protection qualifications

Tkm’s Data Protection Qualifications

Delivered on-line, in house and face to face

Tkm has developed 3 qualifications with the SQA (one of the UK’s qualifications regulators).  These are quality assured and certificated by the SQA, are also on the SCQF qualifications framework and include a practitioner’s course for those responsible for managing data protection.

Training offered by Tkm is certificated by the BCS, REHIS, and the SQA.

other Tkm training

Other Courses

Delivered on-line, in house and face to face

Our training portfolio includes auditing data protection compliance and managing data protection risk.  

Tkm also works in collaboration with For Your Info to offer an extensive range of information governance training, including our popular online on demand courses which are ideal for people looking to learn at their own pace.  These courses go from essentials, ideal for induction, through to practitioner.  For more information, see our online shop.


Popular Courses

Tkm Data Protection Qualifications


Certificate in Managing Data Protection Compliance

This course consists of 10 modules delivered on-line, half day each, plus a revision and exam module.

This course is suitable for those who are in the role of Data Protection Officer or those responsible for managing data protection in their organisations.  More info…


BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection

This course consists of 10 modules delivered on-line which are each half a day, as well as a revision session.  You can attend this course on specific dates or complete it using our e-learning, self-study materials.  More info…


Why Tkm?

Tkm Consulting

We Have More Than 20 Years Experience

Tkm’s Managing Director is Liz Taylor, who has worked with data protection legislation since 1998.  Tkm works with a range of organisations and sectors and is ready to help you.  Read more about Tkm…

We Work With Great Organisations

Tkm works in collaboration with For Your Info and Leadership Through Data to provide high quality training products.  See our about us page for further details.

Tkm supports organisations with data protection and information governance

We Can Help

Whatever support you need for data protection compliance and information governance, Tkm can help.  Please contact us to find out how Tkm can work with you.

Continuous Learning & Development

We at Tkm are keen advocates of continuous learning and development and offer a range of learning opportunities in conjunction with For Your Info.  We are also an approved training partner with the IRMS.


What Our Customers Say

Liz’s knowledge on data protection was impeccable, this gave me a real confidence when learning as data protection can be a difficult subject.  Liz’s knowledge and confidence with the legislation was a definite selling point and I would have no hesitation in recommending this training or Liz as a consultant to anyone that I hear who would be interested.

Debbie McClung

January 2020

The full course was five days and there was a lot to cover, I do feel the five days were needed to cover all the syllabus.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and Liz could not have be more helpful and supportive.  You think you know everything you need for GDPR compliance and then you go on this course and realise there is so much more.  It has helped me enormously going forward.

Annette Greening

February 2020

Book A Course Today!

See our training courses page for scheduled courses.  If you need any help deciding which course is for you, please contact us.

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