Other Courses – Food Hygiene & Alcohol Licensing

face to face and e-learning

Tkm also provides some training for the hospitality and food and drink sector.

Induction to Advanced Levels

Course Dates

This training is usually run in house although will run courses if there is sufficient demand.  This training is usually run in Scotland although courses can be offered across the UK by arrangement.

We have a REHIS Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders Refresher running on 7 August 2024 at Dornie Hall starting at 0930.  If you’d like to book a place, please contact us.

licensing and food hygiene courses


Food Hygiene &  Licensing Courses

We have a REHIS Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders Refresher running on 7 August 2024 at Dornie Hall starting at 0930.  If you’d like to book a place, please contact us.


REHIS Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders

Suitable for anyone who wants to apply for a personal licence under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.  We also offer the refresher.

Available for in house delivery and by e-learning.


SQA Scottish Certificate for Safe Service and Selling of Alcohol

An accreditation for anyone working in the alcohol service industry.  Can also be completed without assessment.


REHIS Diploma in Advanced Food Hygiene

Detailed food hygiene course suitable for managers and business owners, and is a suitable qualification for anyone wishing to become an accredited REHIS trainer.


REHIS Intermediate Food Hygiene

Suitable for managers and supervisors, including chefs.

Available by e-learning.


REHIS Elementary Food Hygiene

Minimum requirement for any high risk food handler, or food handler in a supervisory position.

Book A Course Today!

See our training courses page for scheduled courses.  If you need any help deciding which course is for you, please contact us.

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