What courses are available?
Tkm Consulting is delighted to announce new data protection courses are available for 2019. Tkm Consulting is an accredited training partner for the BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) and we have added their data protection professional certifications to our training portfolio. We now have courses at a range of levels including those offered by BCS together with our own qualifications, which are approved and certificated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

BCS Courses

BCS provides a wide portfolio of professional certification that meets these needs, enhancing skills and encouraging career progression.
Data Protection Practitioner Certificate
This certificate is designed for candidates with some existing data protection responsibilities, wishing to gain a broader understanding of current laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Delivered over 5 days plus an exam day. Further information
Data Protection Foundation Certificate
Suitable for anyone who needs to understand data protection law and GDPR. Delivered over 3 days including an exam at the end of day 3. Further information
GDPR Update Certificates
Available for both the Practitioner and Foundation Certificates. Further information
Our Data Protection Qualifications

Tkm Consulting’s qualifications are approved and certificated by the SQA, one of the UK’s qualifications regulators. They are also on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). The qualifications focus on enabling those attending to gain practical skills to achieve compliance, covering relevant data protection legislation, information governance, managing risk.
Certificate in Data Protection Compliance
A one day course for those that need an awareness of data protection legislation that they can apply to simple, common scenarios. This award is SCQF level 6. Further information
Certificate in Managing Data Protection Compliance
A five day course for those needing to be able to apply data protection legislation in a range of complex scenarios. This award is SCQF level 8. Further information
Diploma in Managing Data Protection Compliance
A five day course plus work-based assignment. This course enables those attending to demonstrate competencies in assessing and evaluating levels of compliance and risk, together with managing a programme of work towards compliance. This award is SQCF level 10. Further information
What is the difference between the two types of qualifications?

Both qualifications offered by Tkm Consulting and BCS cover current data protection and associated legislation. The BCS qualifications use the SFIA levels which are based on knowledge of data protection and associated law, as well as how it is applied in specific contexts. Our qualifications cover managing risk and the role of information governance, and are rated on the SCQF. This allows a comparison with other qualifications across the UK and Europe and ensures a consistent level of competence is achieved by those successfully completing the qualification.
If you need any help with choosing the best qualification for you or your team, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Other Training
Customised data protection training is available for sessions delivered in house. We can also provide training on Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) requests as well as information governance, managing risk andrecords management. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
What Do Other People Say?
“Liz’s training style was practical, knowledgeable, supportive and engaging. She maintained our active participation throughout with regular exercises and opportunities for discussion. I also appreciated the quality and range of course materials and the post-course email support provided in the period leading up to the exam, supplying revision questions, model answers and answering any revision queries that came up. This course has not only provided me with a recognised qualification, it has also increased my confidence in supporting clients in this key aspect of information rights and governance.”
Heather Jack, HJBS Ltd
“I attended the Certificate in Managing Data Protection Compliance with very basic knowledge of data protection legislation. I was concerned that the course may be over my head but I found that the structure and content was well balanced and made it easy to follow.
I am now responsible for data protection compliance in my organisation and feel that the course has given me the knowledge and confidence to be able to provide informed advice and recommendations to our Management Team.
The week long course was very intense but also very rewarding and I am proud to say that I completed it. Liz is an excellent trainer who takes the time to ensure you have grasped what is required and converts the hard to follow technical jargon into normal language.
Can’t forget to mention how amazing the food was!! Definitely helped me get through the week”NT – Oct 18
“Liz has provided us with sound knowledge and direction in many areas over the last few years. She is dedicated in providing quality service in a timely manner. Our organisation has put a number of staff through Tkm’s courses and we will be making the one day course mandatory for any staff processing personal data.”
VM – Dec 18
Further Information and Booking

Contact us for further information. Tkm Consulting is an approved training provider with the IRMS and discounts are available on all courses for individual and corporate members.