If you are looking for the BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection with some support to apply your learning, our 1-2-1 format is the perfect option for you. The course includes everything from our attended course and more. A data protection practitioner level certificate covering UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018
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BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence
Take your first steps in AI training to understand the principles of AI, its benefits and risks, and the processes behind machine learning.
BCS Foundation Certificate in Artificial Intelligence
Take the next step in developing your knowledge and understanding of artificial intelligence with this new certificate. Learn the general principles of AI, its potential implications and capabilities and how to assess AI products and services from multiple angles.
BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection
A foundation level data protection certificate covering UK GDPR, the Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation
BCS Foundation Certificate in Information Security Management Principles
A foundation-level certificate covering information security management topics including risk management, security standards, legislation and business continuity.
BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection
A data protection practitioner level certificate covering UK GDPR, the Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation
BCS Practitioner Certificate in Freedom of Information
A practitioner level certificate in Freedom of Information covering the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and other associated legislation. Designed for candidates managing or responding to requests for information from the public or working in this subject area, for instance Information Managers or Freedom of Information (FOI) Practitioners.
E-Learning BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection
Data protection foundation level course available online and on demand (e-learning), covering the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation
E-Learning BCS Foundation Certificate in Data Protection – 5 Person Corporate Package
Data protection foundation level course available online and on demand (e-learning), covering the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation
E-Learning BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection
Data protection practitioner-level course available online and on-demand (e-learning), covering the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation.
E-Learning BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection – 5 Person Corporate Package
Data protection practitioner-level course available online and on-demand (e-learning), covering the UK GDPR, Data Protection Act 2018 and other associated legislation.