The Current Situation As many of us will already know, if we use personal information we are likely to be subject to data protection laws that govern the way in which we are able to use that information. Whether we have a simple contacts and appointments book as a...
data protection
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Updated – Publishing CCTV Images – Don’t Be Tempted!
With the recent publicity surrounding Virgin Trains, empty seats and Jeremy Corbyn, it would seem that organisations remain unaware of the data protection implications when using CCTV images. There was an interesting story that was reported in the press on 31 December...
Using E-mail for Direct Marketing: Do You Know the Rules?
I was recently attending a training session and a discussion started late in the afternoon about e-mail marketing and making the most of customer lists. There wasn’t much of the day left and after a brief chat, we made a joint decision it would be an ideal first topic...