BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence

Take your first steps in AI training to understand the principles of AI, its benefits and risks, and the processes behind machine learning.


Online Live Attended




1 day


£575.00 excl VAT

BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence

Course Overview

Course Includes 

1 day of live training with a specialised trainer, BCS registration and assessment fee, course handbook (hard copy), email support learner support, 1-2-1 revision session.

Certification Award

CPD certificate available on request, SFIA Level 2


  • Safeguard your brand by improving the competence and confidence of your staff.
  • Enquire about discounts for 5+ team members.
  • Multiple staff members can be booked for a specific date or a date can be arranged to suit your schedule.


  • Quality-assured training to get you feeling confident and competent while boosting your value.
  • Practical online training with a specialist and experienced trainer.
  • Prove your skills development with Tkm Badges and CPD certificates.


  • This course can be delivered in-house and can be customised to suit your organisation’s needs.
  • Get training in all information governance disciplines.
  • We offer corporate training options for delivering a full information governance training programme for your team. 


Course Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently surged in popularity, becoming part of everyday thinking, transforming industries, and reshaping the future of technology. It revolutionises how systems learn from experience and mimic human intelligence.

The BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence provides an introduction into key AI terminology and tools and what they mean for society.  The syllabus covers the following aspects of AI: its history, ethical and sustainable AI challenges, key AI enablers like data, and the future of AI human interaction in the workplace. This certification offers a broad yet straightforward first step into navigating the constantly evolving AI landscape.

The learning outcomes from this course are:

  • Key terminology in AI.
  • Key legal, ethical and regulatory considerations in AI.
  • The use of AI in an organisation.
  • The potential future impact of AI on society and business.
Book BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence today!

Get started today for yourself or your entire team. See our schedule below.

Find Course Dates

Can't find suitable course dates?

We frequently publish new course dates but if you don’t see any dates that work for you, make a request by getting in touch here.

If you’d like us to deliver this course in-house or in-person for your team, you can request here.

Course Content

The terminology and general principles, including benefits and types of AI

Check back here soon.

The basic process of machine learning (ML)

Check back here soon.

The challenges and risks associated with an AI project

Check back here soon. 

The challenges and risks associated with an AI project

Check back here soon.

Tkm & Associates proudly supports palliative care hospices

Throughout 2025, Tkm & Associates will be supporting the palliative care sector as our charity partners.

For every live attended course booking (public and in-house), practitioner and foundation online on-demand courses we receive, Tkm & Associates will credit 10% of the booking value into a pool to support information governance training for practitioners in the palliative care sectors. This will allow data protection officers, Caldicott Guardians, and records managers working in hospices and other parts of third-sector palliative care services to choose and book a range of our live and on-demand training at either heavily subsidised or no cost, depending on course choice.

When you choose Tkm & Associates as your information governance training partner, you are helping a key and under-resourced care sector.