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Course Content
FOI in Scotland in context
The policy drivers behind FOI. The legislation: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004. The powers of the Scottish Information Commissioner.
Key concepts and definitions and understand what information is in scope of the legislation.
Proactive transparency and information management
Managing publication schemes, disclosure logs and proactive publication. Records management under the FOISA s61 Code of Practice. Complying with the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations.
Handling requests
Validity or requests. Tracking, monitoring and managing the process. Providing advice and assistance. Repeat vexatious and manifestly unreasonable requests. Timescales, cost limits and fees. The information search. Content of responses. Internal review processes.
Exemptions and exceptions
Understanding and appropriately applying the range of exemptions and exceptions available under FOISA and EISR. Identifying substantial prejudice. Conducting the public interest test. Describing exemptions in responses.