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Course Content
Records Management in the Scottish Public Sector
Records Management: Definitions and principles; Scope and limitations; RM as a professional discipline; Business drivers and benefits.- Legislation and standards: Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011, Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and s61 Code of Practice; General Data Protection Regulation; ISO15489; ARMA Generally Accepted Record-keeping Principles.
Records structure and retrieval
Search engines versus fileplans; Functional analysis and Business Classification Schemes; Metadata schema; file naming conventions; social media and the record; Classification, security and vital records.
Managing the records lifecycle
Concepts – Lifecycle versus continuum; Appropriate creation and capture. Drivers for records retention. Risk Analysis. Retention schedule – Approaches, models and resources. Disposal and desturction of life-expired records. Archival delection, permanent preservation and transfer agreements; Proper Arrangements for archives.
Practical implementation
Tools and techniques: ECMS, EDRMS and SharePoint; Microsoft 365; Managing shared drives; Email as a record; Paper records management. Delivery: Making the business change; Training and awareness raising; Third parties and RM contracted out functions; Programme management; Metrics and KPIs.