Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Public Sector Records Management

Practitioner level course in Scottish Records Management


Online Live Attended




Delivered live online over six days


£1,300.00 excl VAT

Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Public Sector Records Management

Course Overview

Course Includes 

30 hours CPD, printed hard copy course materials, support during submission and assessment of the portfolio

Certification Award

Practitioner Certificate


  • Safeguard your brand by improving the competence and confidence of your staff.
  • Enquire about discounts for 5+ team members.
  • Multiple staff members can be booked for a specific date or a date can be arranged to suit your schedule.


  • Quality-assured training to get you feeling confident and competent while boosting your value.
  • Practical online training with a specialist and experienced trainer.
  • Prove your skills development with Tkm Badges and CPD certificates.


  • This course can be delivered in-house and can be customised to suit your organisation’s needs.
  • Get training in all information governance disciplines.
  • We offer corporate training options for delivering a full information governance training programme for your team. 


Course Description

Under the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011, Scottish Public Authorities must designate a records manager to “have operational responsibility for records management within the organisation” and ensure that individual has “the relevant skills and training”.

This course is specifically designed to support colleagues without a formal records management background or qualification to develop the skills and knowledge to be effective and confident in the Records Manager role for a Scottish Public Authority.

​On successful completion of a portfolio of work-based evidence, delegates will receive a Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Public Sector Records Management.

Book Practitioner Certificate in Scottish Public Sector Records Management today!

Get started today for yourself or your entire team. See our schedule below.

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We frequently publish new course dates but if you don’t see any dates that work for you, make a request by getting in touch here.

If you’d like us to deliver this course in-house or in-person for your team, you can request here.

Course Content

Records Management in the Scottish Public Sector

Records Management: Definitions and principles; Scope and limitations; RM as a professional discipline; Business drivers and benefits.- Legislation and standards: Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011, Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and s61 Code of Practice; General Data Protection Regulation; ISO15489; ARMA Generally Accepted Record-keeping Principles.

Records structure and retrieval

Search engines versus fileplans; Functional analysis and Business Classification Schemes; Metadata schema; file naming conventions; social media and the record; Classification, security and vital records.

Managing the records lifecycle

Concepts – Lifecycle versus continuum; Appropriate creation and capture. Drivers for records retention. Risk Analysis. Retention schedule – Approaches, models and resources. Disposal and desturction of life-expired records. Archival delection, permanent preservation and transfer agreements; Proper Arrangements for archives.

Practical implementation

Tools and techniques: ECMS, EDRMS and SharePoint; Microsoft 365; Managing shared drives; Email as a record; Paper records management. Delivery: Making the business change; Training and awareness raising; Third parties and RM contracted out functions; Programme management; Metrics and KPIs.

Tkm & Associates proudly supports palliative care hospices

Throughout 2025, Tkm & Associates will be supporting the palliative care sector as our charity partners.

For every live attended course booking (public and in-house), practitioner and foundation online on-demand courses we receive, Tkm & Associates will credit 10% of the booking value into a pool to support information governance training for practitioners in the palliative care sectors. This will allow data protection officers, Caldicott Guardians, and records managers working in hospices and other parts of third-sector palliative care services to choose and book a range of our live and on-demand training at either heavily subsidised or no cost, depending on course choice.

When you choose Tkm & Associates as your information governance training partner, you are helping a key and under-resourced care sector.