Are you prepared for the impact that AI will have on your data handling and information management?
Tkm’s Data Protection Blog
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December Update
I can’t believe it is nearly Christmas! Really looking forward to having a bit of downtime or at least time to focus on my PhD. Before we get to that, there is still so much on! Over the last month or so it has been really busy on the training side – not just the...
October Update
How is it already October??! This year continues to be unbelievably busy and it’s really exciting that some of our time recently has been all about developing new products and services. As always, please get in touch with any queries or questions you may have. ...
Tkm & FYI Training Courses Pledge for DEC Ukraine Appeal
The plight of the Ukrainian people has moved us all, so we have decided to donate some of our training course earnings this year to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. For each person who books a full or half-day course we pledge £20; for...
New to the Role of Data Protection Officer? We’ve Put Together a Few Points to Help You Get Started
New to the role of data protection officer? We’ve put together a few points to help you get started
BCS Data Protection Courses Available for 2019
What courses are available? Tkm Consulting is delighted to announce new data protection courses are available for 2019. Tkm Consulting is an accredited training partner for the BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) and we have added their data protection...
We Are Launching Our New Data Protection Qualifications!
Tkm is delighted to be launching a suite of 3 approved data protection qualifications on 9 April 2018 at the Information Market as part of the ICO’s Data Protection Practitioners Conference. The qualifications are based on specific learning outcomes and...
Data Protection Training for GDPR – Getting it Right First Time – Part 2
Training of staff is going to be a vital investment to ensure compliance with the GDPR for many organisations, although it can also be a significant cost. It is therefore essential to make sure your organisation has a training solution that is right for them....
Data Protection Training for GDPR – Getting it Right First Time – Part 1
Data protection training is going to be an essential part of preparing for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Time is already becoming limited to develop and implement a comprehensive training programme to enable compliance with the GDPR....
Preparing for GDPR – Is the Way You Process Information Compliant with Data Protection Laws?
I attended a seminar last year where an organisation presented a new database that they had been developing. In my view, it was great. Genuine issues recognised by both the organisation and the sector involved would be addressed and the tool, without doubt, would...
One Year and Counting – a GDPR Checklist
With one year to go, it must be time for a GDPR checklist! It is essential to make a start on preparations for compliance with the GDPR as there is lots to do. The list below provides high level tasks that should be in your preparation programme and references the...
News Roundup: Cyber Security and the Right to be Forgotten
I’m not sure any information management blog would be complete without comment on the recent news. There have been two stories that caught my eye. The first, I am sure, almost goes without saying and relates to the malware attack and importance of cyber security....
Preparing for GDPR – Appointing Your Data Protection Officer
With just over a year to go until the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) one of the tasks to get started with for certain types of organisations is the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO). The Article 29 Data Protection...
Preparing for GDPR – Let’s Get Started
I couldn’t help but smile over the Christmas break when the other half was playing with their latest gadget, a well-known Voice Service speaker. Having started to become familiar with how it operated, the requests were getting shorter and shorter. It would appear...
Laws on Using Personal Information Are Changing. Are You Ready?
The Current Situation As many of us will already know, if we use personal information we are likely to be subject to data protection laws that govern the way in which we are able to use that information. Whether we have a simple contacts and appointments book as a...
Updated – Publishing CCTV Images – Don’t Be Tempted!
With the recent publicity surrounding Virgin Trains, empty seats and Jeremy Corbyn, it would seem that organisations remain unaware of the data protection implications when using CCTV images. There was an interesting story that was reported in the press on 31 December...
Using E-mail for Direct Marketing: Do You Know the Rules?
I was recently attending a training session and a discussion started late in the afternoon about e-mail marketing and making the most of customer lists. There wasn’t much of the day left and after a brief chat, we made a joint decision it would be an ideal first topic...